Transparency Dashboard

The Ann Arbor Police Department is committed to a strong Police-Community Partnership. Together we will continue to make Ann Arbor a thriving and safe community. It is our goal to always be open and transparent with the public. This newly created community dashboard will assist us in that continued effort.
The data provided in the below charts have been obtained from a variety of internal software programs used by the Ann Arbor Police Department. As a result, some of the different categories within these charts are similar but remain separate.
Calls for service represent the incidents requiring police response or attention. These can be requests for service which are called into 911, called into a non-emergency number, or are initiated by officers when they perform services in the field.
Each visualization on the dashboard is interactive. To filter the data, click on a specific data point and the entire dashboard will reflect this selected data point.
Arrest is defined as when a person is taken into the government’s custody and detained. Some arrests are completed when a paper summons is issued on the scene, while others involve an arrestee being transported to a law enforcement facility. When an officer is unable to determine race and gender, the arrest race and gender categories are marked as UNKNOWN.
Each visualization on the dashboard is interactive. To filter the data, click on a specific data point and the entire dashboard will reflect this selected data point.
A citation or ticket is a legal notice to a person or motor vehicle charged with a violation of law (or city ordinance), especially a minor violation. The cited person or motor vehicle is the defendant. A citation can be a civil infraction or a misdemeanor depending on the seriousness of the violation. All defendants who receive a citation must respond to the allegations in the citation. When an officer is unable to determine race and gender, the race and gender categories are marked as UNKNOWN.
Each visualization on the dashboard is interactive. To filter the data, click on a specific data point and the entire dashboard will reflect this selected data point.
This is a Web-based crime map of the City of Ann Arbor. Users can map out verified criminal activity near any address, select crime types, date ranges, and generate reports.