Berkley Public Safety Department Transparency Dashboard

Berkley Public Safety is dedicated to the protection of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness through a Public Safety Model of Police, Fire and EMS response. All of our officers work for the residents and businesses to bring the highest of professionalism and productivity in crime prevention, traffic safety, fire prevention and safety and health to all visitors. The addition of the Transparency Dashboard is to allow all of those to see our Calls for Service, Citations and Arrests in regards to Law Enforcement activities. These stats come directly from our reports and citations.
For more information please visit our website at A yearly Report is published around May for further indepth information breakdown.
Calls for Service Definition
Calls for service are generally represented as calls to “911” for emergency assistance and may also include calls to non-emergency numbers. Each call for service that comes in is assigned a priority based on the type of crime or service that is requested.
- Priority 0 Calls range from Home Invasions, All Fire Responses, Homicide or Robbery Alarms. Sometimes these numbers can be large, due to Storms that require numerous Power line down responses. Berkley is considered one of the Safest Cities in Michigan year after year.
- Priority 1 Calls could be Assaults, Hit and Runs, Active Threats, Suicidal or Injured Persons, Sudden Deaths and Hold up Alarms.
- Priority 2 mainly consist of Larcenies Reports active and post incident, Retail Fraud and Medical Alarms.
- Priority 3 calls can range from Pursuits, Neighbor troubles, Drunk Driving, Accidents, Customer / Neighbor Troubles, and Warrant Arrests / Other Criminal and Traffic Arrests.
- Priority 4 Calls could be Embezzlement Reports, Suspicious Person/Vehicles/ Circumstances, and other Non-Emergency complaints.
- Priority 5 calls deal with Juveniles, Welfare checks, Non-Active Harassment Reports, K9 Activity, ID theft and Citizen Assists.
- Priority 6 Calls may be Road Hazard, Lost/Found Property, or parking complaints.
- Priority 7 deals with School patrols, crossing guard details and School Details.
- Priority 8 are Calls for Service including Lodge Prisoners, Code Enforcement, Directed Patrols and non-Active Animal Control requests.
To view calls for service data from different years, select the year from the dropdown menu below and click on apply changes.
Citation Definition
A citation or ticket is a legal notice to a person or motor vehicle charged with a violation of law, especially a minor violation. The cited person or motor vehicle is the defendant. A citation can be a civil infraction or a misdemeanor depending on the seriousness of the traffic violation. All defendants who receive a citation must respond to the allegations in the citation. When an officer is unable to determine race and gender, the arrest race and gender categories are marked as UNKNOWN. Please note that this data does not include Parking Citations, of which there are an average of 2,500 per year.
To view citation data from different years, select the year from the dropdown menu below and click on apply changes.
Arrest Definition
Arrest is defined as when a person is taken into the government’s custody and detained. Michigan Legislature provides a more detailed definition of an arrest. When an officer is unable to determine race and gender, the arrest race and gender categories are marked as UNKNOWN.
To view arrest data from different years, select the year from the dropdown menu below and click on apply changes.