Ferndale Transparency Dashboard
The Ferndale Police Department is dedicated to the safety and protection of the citizens and businesses within our boundaries. We are committed to the task of keeping our courts and correctional system secure and our service is built upon integrity, respect, vision, and leadership.
It is our goal to always be open and transparent with the public. This newly created community dashboard will assist us in that continued effort. The data provided in the below charts have been obtained from a variety of internal software programs used by the Ferndale Police Department.
Ferndale Police Department Annual Report(s)
Ferndale Police Department Website
Calls for Service Definition
Calls for service are generally represented as calls to “911” for emergency assistance and may also include calls to non-emergency numbers. Each call for service that comes in is assigned a priority based on the type of crime or service that is requested.
Priority 0 through Priority 2:
The most serious offenses and require the most immediate response. Priority 0 calls include crimes such as Assault and Battery, Domestic Violence, and Injury Accidents while priority 1 calls include crimes such as robbery, hit and run accidents, bomb threats and panic alarms.
Priority 3 through Priority 7:
Calls labeled 3 through 7 continue to decrease in their need for immediate response unless there are extenuating circumstances. Priority 3 calls for service include things such as neighbor troubles, animal complaints, civil matters, and weapons violations not covered by higher priority classifications.
Priority 8 and Priority 9:
Calls labeled priority 8 and 9 are less serious but important community calls that include things such as abandon autos and found property.
The initial view reflects combined data from 2019 to present. To view calls for service data from individual years, select the desired year from the dropdown menu. All charts on the page will update with data from the selected year(s).
Citation Definition
A citation or ticket is a legal notice to a person or motor vehicle charged with a violation of law, especially a minor violation. The cited person or motor vehicle is the defendant. A citation can be a civil infraction or a misdemeanor depending on the seriousness of the traffic violation. All defendants who receive a citation must respond to the allegations in the citation.
Unknown: When an officer is unable to determine race and gender, the race and gender categories are marked as unknown.
** Republic Parking is a separate entity. Their parking citations are not documented by the police department.**
The initial view reflects combined data from 2019 to present. To view calls for service data from individual years, select the desired year from the dropdown menu. All charts on the page will update with data from the selected year(s).
Warnings Definition
A traffic warning is a verbal or written warning issued by a police officer in lieu of a traffic violation.
Arrest Definition
Arrest is defined as when a person is taken into the government’s custody and detained. Michigan Legislature provides a more detailed definition of an arrest. When an officer is unable to determine race and gender, the arrest race and gender categories are marked as UNKNOWN.
Law Enforcement terminolgy is not always user friendly. Here are a few definitions for abbreviations used in law enforcement.
AGG/Fel Assault- Aggravated and/or Felony Assault
B&E- Breaking and Entering
CSC- Criminal Sexual Conduct
DWLS- Driving While License Suspended
Fail to Stop and Identify- Property Damage Accident Hit and Run
LFA- Larceny from Auto
MDOP- Malicious Destruction of Property
OPS Never acquired- Operators License has never been obtained
The initial view reflects combined data from 2019 to present. To view calls for service data from individual years, select the desired year from the dropdown menu. All charts on the page will update with data from the selected year(s).
Response to Resistance Definition
The Ferndale Police Department Response to Resistance policy states that officers utilize the amount of force that is objectively reasonable considering the totality of circumstances that are confronted in order to affect an arrest/or accomplish the lawful performance of duty while protecting the public. Officers must perform their duties professionally, with respect for others, and in a manner that endeavors to protect and preserve life.
The Ferndale Police Department policy includes not only when force was used, but also when force was shown. A show of force is defined as a gesture with a lethal and/or less-lethal weapon directed at a person as a means to coerce or gain compliance. A use of force is defined as the attempt to establish control through physical means in the presence of resistance given the totality of the circumstances. The Ferndale Police Department conducts an internal review on all response to resistance that includes actions leading to an officer’s response, and what type of response was used. The following counts of subject’s actions and types of responses used do not represent individual incidents, but instead all actions and responses deployed for all incidents in which force was used.
Training Definition
The data has been categorized in 9 subject headings. Each category has a variety of training courses completed to assist our officers reduce risks, provide service and communicate more effectively with our community and all of it’s citizens. Please see the examples below of the training the Ferndale Police Department provides for it’s officers and the community. These training classes are not all encompassing but a small example of courses.
- Response to Resistance: Firearms, Taser certification/recertification, De-escalation
- Medical/Bloodborne Pathogen Training: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Automated External Defibrillator (AED), Tactical Medical Response, Naloxone (Narcan).
- Mental Health Response Training: Crisis Intervention Team Training, Critical Incident Stress Management, Autism Awareness/Acceptance,
- Emergency Vehicle Operations: Emergency Vehicle Operator Course, Traffic Enforcement, Traffic Safety Summit
- Investigative Training: Basic Detective, Crime Prevention, Critical Incident Investigation, Evidence Technician
- Legal Training: Legal Liability, Legal Law Update, Juvenile Law, Domestic Violence
- Leadership Training: Field Training Officer School (FTO), Staff and Command, First-Line Supervision
- Dispatch Training: Basic Emergency Telecommunicator, Emergency Medical Dispatch, Managing 911 Stress, Handling the Despondent and Suicidal Caller
- Cultural Awareness/Ethics: Public information Officer, Un-Bias Policing, Cultural Diversity and Awareness, 21st Century Community Policing, Risk management
Crime Mapping Definition
Providing crime stats that characterize conditions in our neighborhoods.
This may take a moment, please bear with us as the data populates...
Crash Definition
Traffic safety in our City is an ongoing collaboration between our Police department and the Ferndale community to ensure those who travel within our city limits do so safely, whether by foot, bicycle, or vehicle.
While navigating the data you may question why so much of the data is “unknown”. The Ferndale Police Department responds to many “Hit and Run” traffic crashes and we are unable to provide driver details for those traffic crashes.
Police Conduct Complaint
All police conduct complaints, including those made anonymously, claiming misconduct by department personnel will be investigated fully. In order to retain the trust and confidence of the public, the people must know that the department will diligently investigate all complaints, and when there are findings of officer misconduct, then this department will take appropriate action. Any citizen who makes a complaint will be advised of the outcome, unless they choose not to be so informed
Disposition Description
- Sustained: Violations of Ferndale Policy and Procedure did occur.
- Not Sustained: The evidence does not support the accusations.
- Unfounded: The facts that were presented never occurred and were false.
- Exonerated: The actions alleged did occur but were proper and legal
The Crime Trends Dashboard is used to view Ferndale crime data for specified periods of time. It is available to the general public and users are able to view and compare year-to-year statistics on all police incidents. The data provided is based on the number of incidents and does not reflect the number of citizen contacts.
Law enforcement report data can be an effective way to analyze where crime occurs and how crime has changed over a specific time frame. The dashboard contains data from January 2016 to present day.
The City of Ferndale has partnered with Common Ground, Oakland County’s leading crisis services agency. The partnership puts Common Ground in a position to help Ferndale first responders recognize opportunities for crisis management support and connect in-need individuals and families with available programs and services. Common Ground will follow up with referrals and provide a continuity of care - referring resources and follow-up care are provided only with individuals’ consent. Severe cases may be committed to the hospital on a voluntary or involuntary basis for continued mental health assistance.
Ferndale Police Department Policy
The Ferndale Police Department is an accredited agency through the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police (MACP). Accreditation is awarded to a law enforcement agency upon demonstration of voluntary commitment to law enforcement excellence by living up to standards deemed essential to the protection of the life, health, safety, and the rights of the its citizens and exemplifying the best professional practices in the conduct of its responsibilities.
For a detailed explanation of our policies, please click on the policy below: