Livonia Police Transparency Dashboard

What is a Citation?
A citation or ticket is a legal notice to a person or motor vehicle charged with a violation of law, especially a minor violation. The cited person or motor vehicle is the defendant. A citation can be a civil infraction or a misdemeanor depending on the seriousness of the offense which includes both traffic violations and non-traffic violations. All defendants who receive a citation must respond to the allegations in the citation. When an officer is unable to determine race and gender, the arrest race and gender categories are marked as UNKNOWN.
The initial view reflects the most current data per month. Some counts are subject to change due to citation updates.
What is an Arrest?
Arrest is defined as when a person is taken into the government’s custody and detained. Michigan Legislature provides a more detailed definition of an arrest. When an officer is unable to determine race and gender, the arrest race and gender categories are marked as UNKNOWN.
The total arrest data includes persons who are taken into custody and housed at the lock-up and those who are cited and released to appear.
A Dispatched arrest is where a citizen or business requests an officer to the scene and the officer determines if a crime occurred and makes the arrest
A Self-initiated arrest is an arrest where the officer comes in contact with a person who is in violation of the law or where there are warrants issued to take that person into custody.
A Cited and Release arrest is any arrest where the officer issues a summons and releases that person from custody.
The initial view reflects the most current data per month. Some counts are subject to change due to arrest violation updates.
How Does the Livonia Police Department Handle Citizen Complaints?
The Livonia Police Department takes seriously all complaints regarding the service provided by the Department and the conduct of its members. The Department will readily accept and address all complaints of misconduct in accordance with federal, state and local rules.
Unfounded - When the investigation discloses that the alleged acts did not occur or did not involve department members. Complaints that are determined to be frivolous will fall within the classification of unfounded.
Exonerated - When the investigation discloses that the alleged act occurred but that the act was justified, lawful and/or proper.
Not sustained - When the investigation discloses that there is insufficient evidence to sustain the complaint or fully exonerate the member.
Sustained - When the investigation discloses sufficient evidence to establish that the act occurred and that it constituted misconduct.
Use of Force Review Process
The use of force review process requires its own independent investigation of each incident to determine its legality and ensures compliance in departmental policy.
Calls for Service Description
Calls for service is generally represented as calls to “911” for emergency assistance and also includes calls to the non-emergency numbers where assistance is requested. The data displayed represents only Calls for Service that have been verified.
The initial view reflects the most current data per month. Some counts are subject to change due to call type updates.