Oakland County Sheriff Transparency Dashboard

The Oakland County Sheriff’s Office is dedicated to the safety and protection of the citizens and businesses within our boundaries. We are committed to the task of keeping our courts and correctional system secure and our service is built upon integrity, respect, vision, and leadership.
It is our goal to always be open and transparent with the public. This newly created community dashboard will assist us in that continued effort. The data provided in the below charts have been obtained from a variety of internal software programs used by the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office
Calls for Service Definition
Calls for service are generally represented as calls to “911” for emergency assistance and may also include calls to non-emergency numbers. Each call for service that comes in is assigned a priority based on the type of crime or service that is requested.
- Priority 0 and priority 1 calls are the most serious offenses and require the most immediate response. Priority 0 calls include crimes such as Assault and Battery, Domestic Violence, and Injury Accidents while priority 1 calls include crimes such as robbery, hit and run accidents, bomb threats and panic alarms.
- Calls that are prioritized 3-9 continue to decrease in their need for immediate response unless there are extenuating circumstances. Priority 3 calls for service include things such as neighbor troubles, animal complaints, civil matters, and weapons violations not covered by higher priority classifications.
- Priority 8 calls include things such as abandoned autos and found property.
To view calls for service data from different years, select the year from the dropdown menu below.
To view calls for service data from select substations, please first select the year from the dropdown menu, then select the substation.
Citation Definition
A citation or ticket is a legal notice to a person or motor vehicle charged with a violation of law, especially a minor violation. The cited person or motor vehicle is the defendant. A citation can be a civil infraction or a misdemeanor depending on the seriousness of the traffic violation. All defendants who receive a citation must respond to the allegations in the citation. When an officer is unable to determine race and gender, the arrest race and gender categories are marked as UNKNOWN.
To view citation data from different years, select the year from the dropdown menu below and click on apply changes. To view data from different substations, select the substation from the dropdown menu below.
Arrest Definition
Arrest is defined as when a person is taken into the government’s custody and detained. Michigan Legislature provides a more detailed definition of an arrest. When an officer is unable to determine race and gender, the arrest race and gender categories are marked as UNKNOWN.
To view citation data from different years, select the year from the dropdown menu below and click on apply changes. To view data from different substations, select the substation from the dropdown menu below.
Drones as First Responders
Drones as First Responders (DFR) brings updated technology to the traditional 911 response. In addition to a deputy being dispatched, a drone could also be launched to give units on the ground an aerial observation platform. This enhances a deputy’s situational awareness and makes drone operations safer. With DFR, a drone is launched from a central location to cover a predetermined radius of responses.
The drone can be on scene in half the time of a responding car -- typically in 5 minutes or less. Once on scene, the drone pilot can help assess the situation, reporting anything pertinent to deputies enroute. This live video from the scene can be viewed by responding deputies. This enables deputies to plan the best de-escalation tactics for the situation. By observing the real-time dynamics of an incident, deputies increase the probability of positive outcomes.
The Sheriff's Office is strong on its commitment to transparency. Below are the flights and incidents where DFR has been deployed. During a call the Sheriff's Office procedures dictate that the camera is focused on the call location. Upon completion, the camera is orientated upwards to prevent accidental intrusion into people's privacy.
FAA Part 107 Regulations: https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-14/chapter-I/subchapter-F/part-107
Transparency Policy covering the Sheriff’s Office drone usage
1. sUAS shall only be deployed to support investigations and any citizen’s or deputy’s call for service. sUAS must be operated consistent with the U.S. and Michigan Constitutions and all other applicable laws.
2. Agency personnel shall abide by the Fourth Amendment and not use sUAS to conduct an unreasonable search or seizure. When a search warrant is required by law, and no warrant exception exists, flight is prohibited unless a search warrant is obtained.
3. sUAS may not be used solely for the purpose of monitoring activities protected by the First Amendment or the lawful exercise of other rights secured by the U.S. and Michigan Constitutions, except as necessary to protect people who are exercising their constitutional rights.
4. sUAS shall not be used in any manner that would violate any law; discriminate against any persons based upon their ethnicity, race, gender, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity; may not be used to intimidate any person; and may not be used for any type of random patrol.
5. Use and operation of sUAS will be recorded, documented, and reported in the transparency webpage available for public view and Patrol Services Year End Report.
6. sUAS shall not intentionally record or transmit images of any location where a person would have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Operators and observers shall take reasonable precautions to avoid inadvertently recording or transmitting images of areas where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy. Reasonable precautions can include, for example, deactivating or turning imaging devices away from such areas or persons during sUAS operations.